Cannes Film Festival Day Nine

So today was kind of a wash. I woke up pretty early (considering how late we were out before) to go see Parasite, but we did not get in. Not to be discouraged, we immediately went to the screening of Particles, a film I was going to see tomorrow. That was an interesting film for lack of a better term, and it definitely had cool aesthetics and concepts but I can't say the story made all too much sense.

After Particles, I had started feeling bad again so I went back to JLP to nap, only to realize that I might actually have a stomach bug or virus. I really wanted to go back to Cannes to see the 8:00 showing of Parasite, but after almost passing out trying to stand up I decided not to do that. I'm trying not to dwell on it because I will hopefully feel better tomorrow and we still have three more days of the festival (and Parasite is definitely coming to the states now, along with Portrait of a Lady on Fire, another film I didn't get to see), but it's definitely a little difficult to not dwell when everyone is seeing really great films and you can't. So I'm calling it a night and trying to move on by writing my review on And Then We Danced for tomorrow, as well as planning out my schedule for the next couple of days.


  1. Hope you feel better. I'm still feeling poorly. Not fun.


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